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Tips for making a First class or Second class upper degree

#Tips for making a #First class or #Second class upper #degree.

It is of utmost importance to make a good degree of your university education because what is worth doing at all, is worth doing well and besides, the labour market is fully saturated and competitive. Although there are no strict rules but some basic principles are essential to foster your good success in any tertiary institution.

1. Your successs starts from 100L.
Many students get carried away by the excitement of being in the university not knowing that success starts from day 1. As a fresher, you should know the minimum CGPA to take you to 200L and familiarize yourself with lecture venues. note that the higher the number of failed courses (carry overs) you have at 100L, the slimmer your chances of coming out with a good degree and the higher your chances of having extra years (commonly referred to as spill over). You cannot have a CGPA of 1.5 in 100L, 1.8 in 200L and expect to have a CGPA of 4.5 in 400L(graduating year). Building a strong GP and maintaining it is the key.

2. Go to class. Being prompt is the key. This affords you the opportunity of taking correct lecture notes from🎓 source (the lecturer), and if you are a keen student, you should be able to deduce the likely areas exam questions will come out from. Also, be prompt for lectures because some lecturers give tests when class🎓 attendance is low, and this forms part of the continuous assessment. Note that practical classes are like exams and should not be missed.

3. Obtain past questions.
Know how exam questions are set. go back to your books, read and then practice questions. Many people have made excellent grades by doing this, but do not depend solely on this, rather, read the course content and augument with past questions.

4. Have friends who can watch your back. I have seen students who sleep off and come to exam venue when the exam is almost over. Some will claim the time table changed. This is one of the reasons you shouldn't be a lone ranger. Have friend that can bring to the attention of your level adviser or invigilators that you are absent.

5. Be in the class online group. Each level should have an online (Whatsapp) group where information (such as submission of assignments, change of lecture venue etc) can be disseminated easily. If you don't have a browsing phone, then you have to find an alternative such as having friends that will communicate the outcome/information from the group to you or give your class rep a token to be sending information to you via sms.

6. Wise time management. Go to library and read. Jot points in sticky notes that you can easily glance through in a cab or unconventional reading environments. Your mobile phone can gulp your time so avoid unecessary chatting and gaming and adhere to a strict study routine.

7. Know the basis for scoring questions. If your CA is 40 marks, then your exam is 60 marks. If you are asked to answer 3 questions in the exam, then you should know that each will carry 20 marks. When attempting any question, write points that will be sufficient for you to earn the 20 marks. Many students will write half page 🙄and think they have done well. Lecturers mark points, the lenthier your answer is, the more points it's likely to contain, but avoid saying the same point in different ways over and over ✊

Written and compiled by *#VLAAR*

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