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Sunday, 26 April 2020

The Big Bang theory about scholarships

The Big Bang theory about scholarships

A lot of peeps always come online or rather showcase their sites as providing infos on scholarship this or that (No doubt, am one of them),  yeah the internet is a good source for easy intels on stuffs like this but the truth is “now that you have seen it, then what.”
Here is where I come into place. Once a student, all my URGE right from secondary school days was to secure a scholarship (which I call PASSIVE TUITION LEVERAGE) because I visit presentations and mini-conferences where my mates were offered scholarship monetarily or study leave and it always hurts me when I miss out.
This lingered on till university days, I began to loose interest and preach against it. That fateful day came and Nigerian Institute for Information & Tech (NIIT) advertised online. NIIT, being a newbie into scholarship awards, I ignored it because they weren’t among the BIG NAMES like ADDAX, MOBIL, AGIP etc but a friend of mine was eager to apply. This moved me to do same and after we both paid a token of N1,500 each (one thousand, five hundred naira) to complete registration online, we’re both SHORTLISTED.
I jumped in awe and started prepping (although I don’t even know what to readup). We both travelled to Portharcourt (Rivers State) for the TEST, guess what!!!!!
I passed the TEST while my friend (whom if not for her, I wouldn’t have this CHANCE) didn’t make it. I felt sorry for her but she told me not to worry that she’ll never GIVE UP!
Guess what again!!!! Three months later, we both applied for one of the BIG NAMES mentioned above, I failed, she passed.
Guess what again!!! Some classmates who felt we were wasting our pocket money CHASING SHADOWS and having seen how upgraded we are (FINANCIALLY) started jostling us to know how we did it. Time passed and many more gained scholarships both home and abroad and instead of being selfish, we formed a TEAM, created this blog, funded it and published it online to encourage many upcoming Nigerian STUDENTS into applying for scholarship in the quest to at least GRAB ONE.
So far, so good, we have from our advert both in PRINT and ONLINE assisted a total of 500 students nationwide (UNICAl, UNILAG, ATBU, COOU, NEKEDE, UNIUYO, UNN, LASU, LASPOTECH, DELSU, EKSU & many more)to benefit from HOME & ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPS.

THe BIG BANG! ! ! !

Scholarships fall into two categories namely: PAID adverts & NON-PAID adverts. Paid adverts are scholarships that require you pay certain amount for registration and verification of your application while the later doesn’t but there’s a HUGE difference between the two
PAID adverts
NON-PAID adverts
Pays certain amount for registration and verification, e.g COMPUTEST Inc, SURESUCCESS etc
doesn’t pay for registration and verification, e.g ADDAX, MOBIL, AGIP etc
Shortlists every applicant
Doesn’t Shortlists every applicant (Selective)
Not restricted to special courses
Highly restricted to special courses
Test is written ONLINE, no travelling
Test is written at a designated location
Favours all accredited fields of study
Doesn’t Favour all accredited fields of study
Applied online only
Applied online and manually

KABOOM! What a distinction between both. I will definitely go for both holding more on the paid advert (If you ask me) because am 100% sure I’d be shortlisted and write the TEST as against the later that will either shortlist me or not.
Another thing is their CRITERIA for shortlisting can be really stressful and annoying (NON-PAID adverts) but note it is still a CHOICE.
Conclusively, the aforelisted scholarships + MORE are proven ingenuity and is assured. Peeps have fallen prey to FRAUDSTERS but YES, we all have to take RISKS.(Afterall, MMM chop ur money die even when we know the RISKS . . .)
NOTE: only these two (2) (COMPUTEST & SURESUCCESS Inc.) are paid adverts I know of and will vouch for ANYTIME, ANYDAY. So take advantage of it &

Cheat Sheets On  How To Source For Undergrad Scholarships
• Where to find scholarships
Scholastica scholarships & Bursaries Awards scholarship portal for the niche 
SEPCiN Scholarship updates – scholarship awardees
SEPLAT Scholarships & Bursaries  - Another scholarship awardee
SHELL Scholarships & Bursaries  - Another Big Gamer in the House
Niger Delta scholarship Awards & Bursaries – state owned scholarship awardee - a large resource and forum – a site with latest updates
Edutorial info: Scholarships  - a student blog with proven record of linked scholarships
Scholarship Positions – a site with global scholarship updates
World Scholarship Forum – A Forum to find Scholarships Online, globally
Gani fawehinmi Scholarship-  Forum organized by the Gani Fawehinmi Scholarship Board
SNEPCo Scholarships - Doyen of MEGA SCHOLARSHIPS
NsukkaUSA Inc. Financial Aid

How to apply
Above 15+
A University/poly undergraduate
Possess National ID or equivalent
Possess JAMB Admission letter or equivalent
Birth Cert only (No Court AFFIDAVIT)
Bank Sort codes Click Here  

• How to prepare for tests/interviews,
What to expect when you get it,
• How to prepare your first classes.

For more edutainment info see us @

FOR CONTACTS: +2347066090955; WHATSAPP: +2348093866356

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